I'm making this post because...uhh...
I think my friends deserve to know this stuff D: And I'd like to get everything off my chest...
Well, I guess it started a few months ago, when my cousin was hit by a car and died...
I never got to see him very much, because he was in the Air Force (along with another one of my cousins) but it still really hurt me...
He was a really nice person and was funny too, and he never did drugs, smoked, drank alchohol, etc...
I still miss him :( And in school, I usually will start crying because we have to watch a bunch of war videos, which of course will make me think of him...
And now, just a few weeks ago, another one of my cousins was in a car crash, and he is now paralyzed...
And he's not happy about it ^^;
To tell you the truth, I don't really like him...
He smokes, drinks, and I think he might be doing drugs (my mom won't tell me strait out)
And he also has two daughters and he is not married >.<
So whenever we go to visit him in the hospital, he'll always be complaining and yelling...
So I don't visit him anymore xD
And then, school started...and everything just got worse :(
People bully me because I'm a gyaru and like "chinese stuff"...
And four of my best friends moved away because their parents got new jobs far away~
It's been really hard focusing on homework with hardly any friends and the problem with my cousins...
But I do have friends on H!O (and of course Lydia)
But Lydia and my H!O friends don't go to my school and can't really protect me from bullies or help me with our homework D:
It's just been really hard...
But luckily, listening to H!P makes me feel a lot better :)
And watching Risako videos just makes me love her more <3
But...sometimes I wish I could have a universal reverse button...
So I can change things I said, tell my cousin "Don't go on your motorcycle today", etc...
And...I want my friends to give me advice D:
Okay, now I need to say some happy stuff to keep me from being depressed xD
Well, I'm in this elite class in my school, called Musical Theater (I think I've talked about this before)
You have to audition the year before to make it in, and only 40 kids can make it in
And I have a large school xD
This year, we're probably doing High School Musical (I've talked about this before too xD)
And if we do, my few sort-of friends say that I will be Gabriella <3
I hope that's true, because I love Gabriella (NOT Vanessa <_<) and I think it would be really fun to play her :)
Last year I actually did not make it in MT, but a bunch of kids moved away or dropped out, so I got in and we did Cinderella :D
I was a stepsister xD
lol xD Anyway...
Moving on...
Okay, so in Michigan (Where I live) there's this thing called Honors Choir
And it's basically a choir that is composed of the best middle school singers in the state ;)
I made it through the school audition, so now all I have to do is go up north (with the other girls that made it past the school audition) and I have to audition for the real honors choir :D
I really hope I make it in this year~ >.<
Because it would be such a wonderful expirience, don't you think?
The audition is next week, so everyone, please wish me luck :D