Monday, February 14, 2011

Valentines day~ :D

Happy valentines day everyone! <3

I would have cooked something special...

But I've been at school XP

So, your gift is...


Oh wait that's me ^^;

I'm not wearing makeup because I had a hard time putting my contacts in and didn't have enough time :(

I don't know if you can see it in that picture, but one of my eyes is red XP

Not sure why.

Oh, and I got the flower from school.

I THOUGHT it was from a secret admirerer, but it turns out it was from the office ladies.

They give flowers to girls that no one bought any for <_<

Poor me :(

Poor poor unloved me...

lol just kidding xD

I'm really bored.



Kay bye.

P.S. I'm super duper sorry I don't post a lot D:

Just a lot of family problems and school stress. Sorry :(

Monday, January 17, 2011

Rambling :P

Hey guys! :D

I know I haven't been on since...forever

Because I've been really stressing with school :(

It seems that all of a sudden, I'm getting a lot more homework D:

So, I can't go online a lot :(

I'm very sorry ^^;

But anyway...

I never got to talk about the stuff I got for christmas :D

I got a new computer

Fruits Basket Ultimate Edition: 6

3 Natsu Natsu Mini Berryz

Some candy

And a whole bunch of Tinker Bell stuff :)

So, it was a pretty awesome christmas ^^

But the best thing is that my brithday is coming up :D

And I hope to get

GAME - Perfume

A Finn (from Adventure Time) hat

And...that's pretty much it ^^;

Or anything Zuko/Avatar related :D

Because I recently became obbsessed with Avatar: The Last Airbender >.<

My best friend, Lydia, was watching it with her siblings at her house, and I came over, and just started watching it with them :P

I thought it was hilarious and awesome, so when I went home, I started watching it on the computer :D I'm obbsessed ^^

Not that I care.


Okay changing topics (again)

I lost weight ^^

Aren't I so proud of me?

But now none of my jeans fit <_<

...and niether do my belts ^^;


And also, I think something my be wrong with my contacts and/or eyes :(

Because no matter what, whenever I put my contacts in, my eyes turn very red and itchy :(

I tried different contacts, cleaning the case, giving my eyes a break from wearing them, but nothing works.

So I just wear my glasses.

But my fake eyelashes get in the way when I wear my glasses <_<

And they're the main thing about my whole gyaru makeup, so I just don't wear makeup :(

But getting ready for school is a lot quicker xD

And I need to stop typing xD

Kay, bye~~~~~

