School has just been...overwhelming, and I'm having trouble finding time to go online XP
But I'm back now, but I can't promise I'll be quite as active :(
Stupid school!
lol xD
Well, just a few days ago, my family rented Phantom of the Opera...
And it was like, the most amazing movie I've ever seen!!! :O
I loved it <3
Except the ending <_<
Why do I always like the characters the main character never ends up with??
So, I think I may or may not have mentioned this before, but my musical theater class at school is doing Dear Edwina for our muscial...
It's like about using your manners and always saying hello to new people XP
We're 8th graders, not 4-year olds!
And I'm going to have to listen to it almost every day until the end of April :'(
I lost my favorite eyelashes D:
They're the ones I usually wear in the pictures you see :(
I thought I put them in my backpack (they fell off) but when I checked when I got home, they weren't there!
But, luckily for me, I have more eyelashes! :D
And these ones are a lot longer, and they have sparkles on the ends! *-*

(not a good picture)
Some person said I looked like a fairy with them on O.o
I wasn't sure if that was a complement or not ^^;

It's a squirrel :3
Eatin' my pumpkin

My sock has a hole in it xD
first of all...
ReplyDelete"Stupid School!"
school is really a bad place for teens. XD
and The Phantom of the Opera. a good musical indeed. the ending, totally dramatic.
and... a gyaru that loses her fake eyelashes is just like being dead. you lost the half of yourself. XD~