Do you like it? :D
Sprinklebuns (Bunbuns) made it for me on H!O <3
I wanted to get a new one, since my hairstyle changed xD
Do you think it's cute?? <3
And now...
ArtPrize pictures!! :D
I finally went! xD

This is my piggy <3
It's very LARGE xD

This is a really cool glass sculpture <3
You can't see it here, but there's fairies flying in the back of it :O

A very cute painting of colorful elephants <3

...I'm not entirely sure what this is...
But it's still pretty! xD

This isn't a good picture >.<
But it's basically a whole hallway filled with this painted cloth :O
It's very pretty <3

This piece is called "Vision"
It's a glass box with this weird, dandelion type-thingy in it xD

This one is my favorite <3
The artist carved it entirely out of wood! :O
And now...
Interesting things you may not know about me!
• I'm claustrophobic
• I'm hypoglacymic
• I've never broken a bone
• I'm in many different art..class things xD (Choir, adult choir, praise team, musical theater, theater, and middle school choir xD)
• My cat is dumb xD
• I. LOVE. FOOD <3
• You know what else I love? Risako <3
• I'm crazy xD
• I like chocolate milk <3
• I'm 13 O.o
• Most of my best friends I've never met xD (H!O)
• Emoticons are the best! xD
• I'm actually quite good at drawing O.o I'll post a drawing I've been working on when I'm done working on it xD
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