Thank you for commenting on my last post >.<
I'm glad I could get everything off my chest :'D
Anyway, I want to share what happened this weekend...
Or would it be last weekend? O.o Uh...
Last/this weekend~ xD
Well, my churches junior high youth group went on a trip to a farm, and we got to go on a hayride :D
And it was really really fun~
We went into this field, not too far from the farm, and the tractor pulling us turned all the lights (from the tractor) off...
I thought it was kind of dark, but didn't really pay much attention to it (I was talking to Cocoa too much xD)
But then, we passed this tall little hut...
And there was something on it with glowing green eyes, watching the tractor as it went by...
Me and Cocoa (and the other kids) thought it was a machine or something, and a bunch of boys were going like "Cool!"
But then jumped down and started chasing us O.o
And I was screaming my head off and crying my eyes out xD
I was really scared!!
Then the creature jumped onto our wagon, and looked at all of us with its piercing green eyes...
But then he took his mask off and we found out it was just Kyle (one of our teachers xD)
Went to church, Cocoa came over :P Not very exciting xD
Went to school XP
After school I had voice lessons :P
Monday was also not very exciting xD
lol I didn't go to school for the entire day because I had an ear infection and was at the doctors xD
You see, I've always had a problem with wax buildup in my ears XP
I occaisionaly go to the doctors to get my ears flushed out :)
But on days like Tuesday, my ears really start to hurt and I get an infection XP
Bleh XP
Oh yeah, Wednesday was a REAL fun day <_<
The bullying just got worse D:
The girls who sit behind me in choir were saying stuff like "It looks like she stuck a watermelon in her shirt", "Her clothes came from her hobo mom", and "She sounds like a dying animal."
My friend Sammi over heard them saying these things and told me, and after class we told Ms. Brouwers (my choir teacher) and she said she'd talk to them :P
Thursday (today):
I got to stay after school for an extra two hours!! xD
But it was Honors Choir practice, so at least I was doing something I really enjoy... <3
I want tips for drawing, because a lot of my friends are amazing drawers, and I want to be as good as them :D
Here's drawing I drew recently:

Please give constructive critism~
And now, to end the post with some pictures! <3

Me, looking off in the distance dramatically~ xD


My super-duper awesometastic stupenderiffic kitty <3
lol that's my daddy holding her~ <3
Hope everyone has a great day~ :D