Thursday, September 30, 2010

Bweeeeee :3

I haven't gone to ArtPrize yet, so sorry about that ^^;

But I wanted to share some pictures I drew :D

Drumroll, please...

Sorry Milva ^^; You turned out blurry xD

But please comment telling me what your think! :D

I'd really appreciate it! <3

Ending with...a picture of me :D

Friday, September 24, 2010


I haven't posted in awhile ^^; Sorry bout that...

Hmm...what to talk about...

Well, where I live, there's this thing called ArtPrize going on downtown.

I haven't to it yet, though ^^;

But it's basically a bunch of artists making sculptures and putting them on display downtown, and they get a lot of money if they win :D

I hope to go soon, and I'll make ABSOLUTELY sure that I take pictures and share them with you :D

So let's end with a picture of me~

Bwee <3

I need to get my bangs trimmed ^^;

Friday, September 10, 2010


I forgot to post again, didn't I? ^^;


Well, I had good times at school...

but also bad D:

Well, good news is, I got really great teachers :D

And I might be doing High School Musical for the school musical! :O

I wish to be Gabriella~ <3

That would be soooo much fun~ <3 <3

But bad stuff...

My best friend since fourth grade moved away :(

I think that might be why I for got to post xD

But that's my third friend that's moved away because of the economy :'(

I don't have much left...


My brothers birthday party is today, so I'm going to try to remain happy! :D


Monday, September 6, 2010

New hairstyle + Manicure!!

Well since school is starting tomorrow (XP)

I decided...

To get a new hairstyle:


Yeah, sorry I'm wearing a hat xD

I'm not going to be able to wear a hat when school starts ;w;

My nails~ Peace!


I going to my friends house now~

I hope I have lots of fun~ :D


Thursday, September 2, 2010

Liberry :D

Sorry for not posting in awhile m(_ _)m

Nothing exciting was going on xD

But yesterday, I went to Rydia's house :D

And we went to the liberry~ (library)

And I got two books!

Fairies and the Quest for Never Land~


Kiki Strike :D

Some of you may not know this, but I'm a HUGE Tinker Bell fan <3

I have both her movies, a calender, a sweater, a t-shirt, a pictures frame, a necklace, some earrings, three books, a binder, a backpack, some pencils, a doll, and a lot more that are all Tinker Bell :D


And I read the first few chapters of the book, and so far, it's AMAZING <3

Now about Kiki Stike~

I read the book first when I was still in elementary school xD

Because they had a copy in the liberry there~

And it was AWESOME!!!!

So I decided to read it again~

So that's all~

Kk, byez~