Sorry I haven't posted in awhile ^^;
There's just been...some family problems going on that I don't feel comfortable talking about on a blog that anyone can read xD
But I'm back now, with some AMAAAAZING stuff to share! :D
I got my hair streaked!

My mom is letting me buy some EYEMAZING no.001 lashes! :D

Aren't they pretty? <3
Now I can stop using the boring lashes my mom makes me use <_<

Also, I'm going to upload some videos on YouTube of me and my best friend Rydia goofing off! xD
I really don't like the way I look in them >.<
But of well, they're pretty funny anyway!
Oh, and tomorrow, I'm going to Michigan's Adventure!! :D
It's an Amusement park, with roller coasters AND water rides!! :D
I'm so excited! And I'm going with Rydia and Stephanie! My two best friends! <3
I'll definately post some pictures about it tomorrow!
There's also this one ride I reeeaaaallllllyyyy want to go on!

Shivering Timbers! YES
Doesn't it look fun?
I'll see you tomorrow! BYEZ